Children's pages > Puzzles

Main information:

Children's pages


If you click on one of the pictures below, the puzzle will appear in a new window. Just click on the picture to mix up the pieces. You can now move the individual pieces around and put them wherever you want. Click on a puzzle piece, keep the left mouse key pressed down and simply push the piece to where you want it to go. When you release the mouse key, the piece that was there before will move to the place that's now free.

By the way, before you give up: just click on the white border to put the pieces back together correctly. And now have fun sorting out all the pictures!

Link to the puzzle "Mural"

Motif from the mural of Parzival
with Amfortas (3 x 4 pieces)


Link to the puzzle "Neuschwanstein Castle"

Neuschwanstein Castle (3 x 4 pieces)
Photo: Josef Beck, Eschenlohe


Link to the puzzle "Parzival fighting the Red Knight"

Motif from the mural of Parzival
fighting the Red Knight (4 x 5 pieces)
Photo: Riek, Diderot-Verlag, Rottenburg


Link to the puzzle "Bed curtain in the bedroom"

Motif from the bed curtain in the bedroom
(4 x 5 pieces)
Photo: Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung


Link to the puzzle "King Ludwig II"

King Ludwig II (5 x 6 pieces)
Photo: Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung


Link to the puzzle "St George killing the dragon"

Motif from the mural of St George
killing the dragon (5 x 6 pieces)
Photo: Feuerpfeil Verlags GmbH Bayreuth


Important: Our puzzles use Javascript, which is an extension for the browser with which you can look at the pages on the Internet. If this extension is not switched on, you won't unfortunately be able to do the puzzles. Ask someone for help if you don't know how to switch Javascript on in your browser.

Eye-Able assistence software